OJS Her Dergi İçin Ayrı Domain Tanımlama
I don't know how many people understood the above discussion and could actually implement "Individual Domain name for each journal within one OJS installation". I undertook following steps and one can actually setup the server in 10 mins: 1. Register additional multiple domain names and set up A record to point to your server where OJS is installed, say http://www.myjournalservice.com . (with and without www) 2. Go to myjournalservice.com admin and create additional journals with journal path MYJOURNAL1, MYJOURNAL2 etc. (we will use http://www.myjournal1.com & http://www.myjournal2.com to access these journals) 3. Edit your httpd.conf to add virtual hosts: CODE: SELECT ALL <VirtualHost YOUR_IP_ADDRESS:80> ServerName myjournal1.com ServerAlias www.myjournal1.com DocumentRoot /home/MYJOURNALSERVICE/public_html ServerAdmin webmaster@myjournalservice.com ## User p...